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Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2004, 22:43

Hi jellun :exla:
welcome to the "portal"
Don´t be afraid to write in English, I guess you will always find somebody to answer you :D


Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 09:52

Zibirian -:-
Im here long time, but mostly reading...my writing german is :-o

Im from Estonia.
Germany has rights to change standart of schnauzer, but why you have Black Russian Terriers, Central-asian Shepherds, Kaukasian Shepherds with tails and ears?!Why nobody disqualify them here? In standart its said -no tail, no ears...
And to be polite - nobody will reject you from entering your BRT with tail on russian show and nobody will disqalify you -because people understand situation.
Why then some people dont wanna understand it here?

Im not against ears or tails...I would prefer to have cropped/docked dog and many of people who breed schnauzer also....but we said: doesnt matter if it has ears or tail -its SCHNAUZER..breed we love!!!
Has it tail or not - its SCHNAUZER and Im happy I can see it on photos!


Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 10:30



Original geschrieben von jellun

Why then some people dont wanna understand it here?

Hello jellun, you`re welcome !!!

my wirting english is also... :(

Answering your question:
The typical behavior of Germans in Europe is the same like the Americans in the hole world...

There is no opinion to the own opinion...
The German law is the only one.....




Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 12:49


Mirco, sadly I agree with you...


Original geschrieben von franzel
Sure-Germany is not the hole world-but in the case of the breed "Schnauzer"-we are THE LAND.
How you know, the schnauzer come basicly from germany and so german has the right to make the "Standard" of this breed.
And its not only a Question of the schnauzer ( cropping) but of all dogs ans specially
of many other breeds from germany like dobermann or rottweiler, who are requested in the whole world.
(Its all about the dogs)

Sure-US is not the hole world-but in the case of the DEMOCRASY -we are THE LAND.
How you know, the democrasy come basicly from US and so americans has the right to make the 'standart' of democrasy...
And its not only a Question of the democrasy in US but of democrasy requested in the whole world.

Im sorry Franzel for using your words,please dont feel angry!


Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 13:31

@ jellun
Tere Lena, ja teretulemast!

I'm sure that the most offence was taken that the German breed magazine allowed an advertisment in it to purchase a docked dog, when it is forbidden in Germany.

Although it is forbidden to import cropped/docked dogs into Switzerland, two exceptions are made: a foreigner can temporarily import (for vacations etc.) a docked/cropped dog and within your removal goods when moving from abroad you can import a docked/cropped dog. So no one there is trying to bann older dogs which have had tails and possibly ears cut.

The same does apply to Germany, eventhough it is not directly mentioned in the law regarding animal protection. This is within the EU laws (free movement of people and goods), which in actual fact override national laws.

I'm sure that you are most welcome in Germany, with your dogs. I'm pleased to hear that the "old one" is still doing great!

Many greetings to you from



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Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 13:35

Hey cool,

jetzt kann man hier sogar sein Englisch aufbessern :exla: :exla: .

Sorry, musste auf Deutsch schreiben. Ich kann Englisch besser lesen, als schreiben :-) .

Gruss Anke
Signatur von »Halina« Der Hund im Bett zerknittert und verschmutzt das Laken, aber er glättet und reinigt die Seele.



Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 14:11

Päivää! :-)

I see nothing bad in putting such advert
- Germany is full of docked dogs..aged 2-3, sometimes less...
- I personally know people who wanna have docked dog for family. People bringing them from France, Spain, Poland, Russia,Italy. All done using 'exeptional' case.
-I co-own fully cropped 2 year old male in Estonia, teorethically even if I bring it here-I cant sell it?!
If you would like to sell your great white male to Germany, what would you do? :o

Btw..in Latvia is also govermental banning of docking/cropping -but LKF is ignoring it, including Latvian schnauzer club.

Discussing cropping/docking is ridiculous! Sorry, but its always starting from one subject and going to the version: we said it should be like that -so everyone should make it as we said :m:

PS. I would love to see you on Crufts next year ( Finnish Winner-04 was qualified if Im not mistaken) :D Lets make english people get used to whites more and more ;)


Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004, 17:16

@ jellun,

The white male has his qualifications to Crufts by being an International Ch. an does not need the FinW-04 title, but has cropped ears, so he can not be shown in the UK. The bitch is too young and needs a lot more time and some developement until I'll show her further away than just the neighbouring countries. So, I wont be bringing any whites to Crufts, unfortunately will in any case not be able to make the trip there, but you have my best wishes for success and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

I know about the Latvian-matter. I should be getting a dog from Latvia next year, docked and cropped. Docked because they are going to do the whole litter and I will not choose a pup with 1-3 days of age, cropped because if the tail is going, then the ears can go too. I have no problem with that. Unfortunately I'll have very few countries where I can show that dog, but that is something I can not help. I just want the dog out of this litter, hopefully for breeding too.

I don't think I'd sell my white male to Germany, or anywhere else for that matter. So this is not a matter I need to consider. He's not for sale. :)) But I do understand your point, and personally I don't see why an older dog, or a pup for that matter, could not be sold to a country where docking/cropping is banned. New breeding material is constantly needed, so if a breeder needs a specific line and can possibly only get a dog that has been "done", then there should be no import restrictions. For breeding purpose it hasn't much relevance, showing and competing is something quite different. At least we can in Finland breed with a dog that has no show, trial, or breeding test result, which are now forbidden for all docked/cropped dogs that have been born after 1.1.2001. So I can still import one, have the necessary health examinations done, and breed with the dog.


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